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So You've Got Your BTEC Results - What Next?

So You've Got Your BTEC Results - What Next?

So You've Got Your BTEC Results - What Next? - Lauren O'Donoghue:

If you’ve been studying towards a BTEC qualification, you’ll probably be receiving your results this week and thinking about what comes next. More BTEC students than ever are choosing to go to university, and you might have decided that this is the right path for you.

More Universities Accepting BTECs

The number of university places being offered to BTEC students has more than doubled in the last ten years, with the figure rising to over 100,000 in 2017. An increasing number of universities, including members of the prestigious Russell Group, are now in their entry requirements.

With studies showing that the majority of businesses value vocational qualifications as much as academic ones, your BTEC will give you some great advantages when you enter higher education.

The advantages of having BTECs for Uni

You’ll also have experience of being assessed throughout your course, producing work for many different units rather than completing exams at the end of your studies. This is similar to studying at university.

You will most likely take several different modules every year, each with its own assignments and examinations. Studying for a BTEC will have been great preparation for this kind of assessment.

One of the many benefits of a vocational qualification is the opportunity to complete work experience. With more universities now offering placement years or vocational modules, this can really give you the edge on your degree. It’s also likely that your university or students’ union will offer awards or certificates for completing work placements or volunteering, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities!

BTEC Students a Success in Universities

Many BTEC students are successful in their university careers because the BTEC has been proven to be a great entry path to their university course.

“I chose the BTEC option rather than following the more conventional route of A Levels because I always struggled when it came to exams,”

he said.

“Additionally, the thought of having a more hands on approach really appealed to me.”

Josh now works for his university’s students’ union as an Activities Coordinator, where he works with students to organise trips, events and enterprise opportunities. He credits his BTEC with providing him with the experience and skills he needed to succeed in higher education and employment.

"As part of my sport BTEC I was able to complete multiple coaching and first aid qualifications, I also volunteered in a local primary school one day a week for two years. That helped me to decide what I wanted to do at University. Without this experience I would have gone down the secondary teaching or coaching route.”

Benefits of BTEC Qualifications When Applying

Employment rates for graduates with BTEC qualifications are higher than for those with A Levels. The practical work experience, specialised skills and training opportunities that come with a vocational qualification will make you stand out when looking for work after graduation.

There’s another practical advantage to completing a BTEC when you’re planning to go to university. Many schools and colleges will give BTEC students their results in July, so you might have a month’s head start on students studying for A Levels.

This additional time comes with many benefits. Clearing - the scheme that allows students to find places on university courses starting in the same year - officially opens at the beginning of July. Some universities won’t publish all of their vacancies until August, but the extra time means you can start looking at what’s available early.

Even if you don’t apply straight away, make sure you use those few weeks to your advantage! Use the time to spruce up your statement, research your ideal courses and start preparing for interviews.

If you’ve already secured a place at university, there’s plenty of ways to make the most of the summer. If you’re moving to a new city, take a trip there and discover what interesting things there are to do in your area. Start planning for your move - a visit to Ikea might be in order!

Crucially, now is the time to start looking for university accommodation and to use your advantage to get the pick of the bunch when it comes to halls. Even so choosing the right halls can be overwhelming, Hallbookers can assist you. Use the search tools to compare thousands of halls, read trusted reviews and get free advice, all in one place.

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Written by
Lauren O'Donoghue

Lauren O'Donoghue is a content writer and podcaster based in Sheffield. She has an interest in issues affecting students, especially related to work and housing.